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Melanotan II 10mg

$24.99 $30.00
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Melanotan II: 

Melanotan II, a synthetic analog of the naturally occurring melanocortin peptide, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), has emerged as a focal point in the study of melanogenesis and its wide-ranging physiological implications. Engineered to mimic the effects of α-MSH, this peptide has become an essential tool for researchers exploring the mechanisms of skin pigmentation, potential photoprotective effects, and the intricate roles of melanocortin receptors in appetite and metabolic regulation.

Peptide Specifications

  • Form: Lyophilized Powder
  • Purity: Greater than 98%
  • Molecular Weight: 1024.2 g/mol
  • PubChem CID: 16164658
  • CAS Number: 121062-08-6
  • Synonyms: MT-II, Melanotan 2
  • Chemical Formula: C78H111N21O19

  • Storage Recommendations: For short-term use, room temperature suffices; for long-term storage, a freezer below -8°C is recommended to preserve efficacy.

MT2 Structure:

Source: PubChem

Mechanism of Action

Melanotan II's primary action is its binding affinity to melanocortin receptors, particularly MC1, MC3, and MC4. This interaction stimulates melanogenesis, leading to increased melanin production in melanocytes, which is the body's natural response to ultraviolet radiation exposure. Furthermore, its effects on MC3 and MC4 receptors open avenues for research into how it influences appetite and metabolic pathways.

Key Research Applications

  • Melanogenesis and Photoprotection: By activating melanin production, Melanotan II offers a unique model for studying the biochemical pathways of skin pigmentation and exploring strategies for enhancing UV resistance.
  • Metabolic Studies: Its impact on appetite regulation and potential metabolic effects makes it a subject of interest in the context of obesity and metabolic syndrome research.

Comparative Analysis

Melanotan II distinguishes itself from Melanotan I with a broader activity spectrum due to its action on various melanocortin receptors. This characteristic allows for more comprehensive investigations into the melanocortin system's physiological roles beyond mere pigmentation, including appetite control and metabolic health.

Care information

Store in a cool, dry place away from light.

Once Constituted, Please Refrigerate

For long-term storage, freezing at -20°C is recommended to maintain integrity.

Delivery and Shipping

Orders will typically be fulfilled to the following carriers within 24 hours of payment. (NOT GUARANTEED)

USPS - (2 - 8 Business Days)

UPS - (1 - 6 Business Days)


Product Usage: This PRODUCT IS INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL ONLY. This designation allows the use of research chemicals strictly for in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation only. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and may not be misbranded, misused or mislabeled as a drug, food or cosmetic.

Melanotan II 10mg - Peptide Technologies - PT-MELAN2-10-1 -
Peptide Technologies

Melanotan II 10mg

$24.99 $30.00

Melanotan II: 

Melanotan II, a synthetic analog of the naturally occurring melanocortin peptide, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), has emerged as a focal point in the study of melanogenesis and its wide-ranging physiological implications. Engineered to mimic the effects of α-MSH, this peptide has become an essential tool for researchers exploring the mechanisms of skin pigmentation, potential photoprotective effects, and the intricate roles of melanocortin receptors in appetite and metabolic regulation.

Peptide Specifications

MT2 Structure:

Source: PubChem

Mechanism of Action

Melanotan II's primary action is its binding affinity to melanocortin receptors, particularly MC1, MC3, and MC4. This interaction stimulates melanogenesis, leading to increased melanin production in melanocytes, which is the body's natural response to ultraviolet radiation exposure. Furthermore, its effects on MC3 and MC4 receptors open avenues for research into how it influences appetite and metabolic pathways.

Key Research Applications

Comparative Analysis

Melanotan II distinguishes itself from Melanotan I with a broader activity spectrum due to its action on various melanocortin receptors. This characteristic allows for more comprehensive investigations into the melanocortin system's physiological roles beyond mere pigmentation, including appetite control and metabolic health.

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